CASE DIGEST: Social Security Commission v. Azote


SOCIAL SECURITY COMMISSION, petitioner, vs. EDNA A. AZOTE, respondent
G.R. No. 209741                |              April 15, 2015


Respondent Edna and Edgardo got married on June 19, 1992. Their union produced 6 children which were all designated beneficiaries of Edgardo’s SSS. Edna filed her claim for death benefits with the SSS shortly after Edgardo passed away on Jan. 13, 2005. However, on the SSS records it appeared that Edgardo had earlier submitted another Form e-4 on Nov. 5, 1982 with a different set of beneficiaries, namely: Rosemarie Azote, as his spouse; and Elmer Azote as dependent.

Consequently, Edna’s claim was denied. On March 13, 2007, Edna filed a petition with the SSC to claim the death benefits, lump sum and monthly pension of Edgardo. She insisted that she was the legitimate wife of Edgardo. In its answer, the SSS averred that there was a conflicting information in the forms submitted by the deceased.

The SSC dismissed Edna’s petition for lack of merit. Citing Section 24(c) of the SS Law, it explained that although Edgardo filed the Form E-4 designating Edna and their six children as beneficiaries, he did not revoke the designation of Rosemarie as his wife-beneficiary, and Rosemarie was still presumed to be his legal wife.

Furthermore, the NSO records revealed that Edgardo’s marriage to Rosemarie was registered on July 28, 1982. Hence, Edna and Edgardo’s marriage is void, there being no showing that the first marriage has been annulled.


Whether or not respondent is the wife-beneficiary of the deceased, thus entitling her to claim death benefits


Applying Section 8(e) and (k) of R.A. No. 8282, it is clear that only the legal spouse of the deceased member is qualified to be the beneficiary of the latter’s SS benefits. In this case, there is a concrete proof that Edgardo contracted an earlier marriage with another individual as evidenced by their marriage contract. Edgardo even acknowledged his married status when he filled out the 1982 Form E-4 designating Rosemarie as his spouse.

Using the parameters outlined in Article 41 of the Family Code, Edna, without doubt, failed to establish that there was no impediment or that the impediment was already removed at the time of the celebration of her marriage to Edgardo. Settled is the rule that “whoever claims entitlement to the benefits provided by law should establish his or her right thereto by substantial evidence.” Edna could not adduce evidence to prove that the earlier marriage of Edgardo was either annulled or dissolved or whether there was a declaration of Rosemarie’s presumptive death before her marriage to Edgardo. What is apparent is that Edna was the second wife of Edgardo. Considering that Edna was not able to show that she was the legal spouse of a deceased member, she would not qualify under the law to be the beneficiary of the death benefits of Edgardo.

Although the SSC is not intrinsically empowered to determine the validity of marriages, it is required by Section 4(b)(7) of R.A. No. 828229 to examine available statistical and economic data to ensure that the benefits fall into the rightful beneficiaries.
