CASE DIGEST: Philippine Transmarine Carries Inc v. NLRC


G.R. No. 123891                |              February 28, 2001


On January 23, 1993, private respondent, Carlos Nietes filed a complaint against Philippine Transmarine Carriers, Inc. for payment of disability benefit, sickness wages, refund of medical expenses and attorney’s fees. Private respondent alleged that he was employed by PTC for the period March 1985 to March 17, 1990. He last boarded M/V MA. ROSARIO where he served as Master from April 11, 1990 to May 17, 1990.

From May 10, 1990 up to the date that he was repatriated, Nietes was hospitalized at the Moji Hospital in Moji, Japan, at the instance of the vessel’s owners. Upon his arrival in the Philippines, he was instructed by PTC and the Associated Marine Officers and Seamen’s Union of the Philippines (AMOSUP) to report to the Seamen’s Hospital, a hospital owned and operated by AMOSUP. On May 19, 1990, Dr. George Mattie of the Seamen’s Hospital issued a medical certification that he was unfit for work and was instructed to continue treatment/medication.When he was refused admission at the Seamen’s Hospital, he was forced to secure medical treatment at the Sto. NiƱo Medical Specialist and Emergency Clinic as an out-patient. His attending physician was Dra. Geraldine B. Emperador. Her diagnosis showed he was unfit to work as Master of the vessel.


Whether or not respondent is entitled to reimbursement despite the fact that the treatment was done by a physician not designated or accredited by the petitioner


Petitioner was well aware of the private respondent’s hospitalization at Moji, Japan, as well as his repatriation on May 17, 1990; It was upon the advice of petitioner that he was examined and diagnosed at the Seamen’s Hospital. There Dr. George Matti, petitioner’s own accredited physician, declared him unfit to work. Petitioner could not now feign ignorance of this information. Two licensed physicians examined and diagnosed private respondent and both of them had issued similar findings, that private respondent was afflicted with congestive heart failure and cardiomyopathy making him unfit to work.

Records of the case show that private respondent had initially sought treatment at Seamen’s Hospital under the care of Dr. George Matti, a company accredited physician. Only after he was refused admission thereat was he compelled to seek medical assistance elsewhere. His life and health being at stake, private respondent did not have the luxury to scout for a company-accredited physician nor was it fair at this late stage for his employer to deny him such refund for medical services that previously he was admittedly entitled to.

The POEA Standard Employment Contract for Seamen is designed primarily for the protection and benefit of Filipino seamen in the pursuit of their employment on board ocean-going vessels. Its provisions must, therefore, be construed and applied fairly, reasonably and liberally in their favor. Only then can its beneficent provisions be fully carried into effect.
