CASE DIGEST: Santiago v. C.F. Sharp Crew Management


PAUL V. SANTIAGO, petitioner, vs. CF SHARP CREW MANAGEMENT, INC., respondent
G.R. No. 162419                |              July 10, 2007


Petitioner had been working as a seafarer for Smith Bell Management Inc. for about 5 years. On February 3, 1998, he signed a new contract of employment with respondent to be deployed on board the MSV Seaspread, which was scheduled to leave for Canada on February 13, 1998.

A week before the scheduled date of departure, the respondent’s Vice President sent a message to the captain of MSV Seaspread saying that the VP received a call from Santiago’s wife asking him not to send her husband to MSV Seaspread and if he is allowed to depart he will jump ship in Canada just like his brother.

On 9 February 1998, petitioner was thus told that he would not be leaving for Canada anymore, but he was reassured that he might be considered for deployment at some future date.

Petitioner filed a complaint for illegal dismissal against respondent and its foreign principal.

On appeal by respondent, the NLRC ruled that there is no employer-employee relationship between petitioner and respondent because under the POEA Standard Contract, the employment contract shall commence upon actual departure of the seafarer from the airport or seaport at the point of hire and with a POEA-approved contract. The CA agreed with the NLRC’s finding that petitioner’s non-deployment was a valid exercise of respondent’s management prerogative. It added that since petitioner had not departed from the Port of Manila, no employer-employee relationship between the parties arose and any claim for damages against the so-called employer could have no leg to stand on.


Whether or not employer-employee relationship has already commenced


There is no question that the parties entered into an employment contract on February 3, 1998, whereby petitioner was contracted by respondent to render services on board “MSV Seaspread” for 9 months. However, respondent failed to deploy petitioner from the port of Manila to Canada. Considering that petitioner was not able to depart from the airport or seaport in the point of hire, the employment contract did not commence, and no employer-employee relationship was created between the parties.

However, a distinction must be made between the perfection of the employment contract and the commencement of the employer-employee relationship. The perfection of the contract, which in this case coincided with the date of execution thereof, occurred when petitioner and respondent agreed on the object and the cause, as well as the rest of the terms and conditions therein. The commencement of the employer-employee relationship would have taken place had petitioner been actually deployed from the point of hire. Thus, even before the start of any employer-employee relationship, contemporaneous with the perfection of the employment contract was the birth of certain rights and obligations, the breach of which may give rise to a cause of action against the erring party. Thus, if the reverse had happened, that is the seafarer failed or refused to be deployed as agreed upon, he would be liable for damages.
