TAXATION: Classification of Taxes


14.   What are the classification of taxes? Explain each briefly.

(1)  As to subject matter or object: (PPE)

(a)  Personal, poll, or capitation -- imposed on persons residing within a specified territory without regard to their property or occupation (ex. Community tax) [the person itself is the subject of the tax] [capita = per head] [always territorial jurisdiction]

(b)  Property -- tax on property whether real or personal (ex. Real estate tax ~> the only property tax in the Phils.) [territorial also]

(c)   Excise (privilege) -- imposed upon the performance of an act, enjoyment of privilege, or engaging in an occupation (ex. Donor’s tax) [attachment is neither on the person or thing] [territorial as well as personal jurisdiction]

(2)  As to who bears the burden:

(a)  Direct -- demanded from persons who also shoulder the burden of the tax (ex. Income tax) [the tax is levied, assessed, and collected from 1 person] [impact and incidence of taxation is only on the statutory taxpayer]

(b)  Indirect -- demanded from persons who shall indemnify himself at the expense of another (ex. VAT)

(3)  As to determination of amount:

(a)  Specific -- fixed amount by the head, number or some standard of weight or measurement (ex. Excise tax on liquors)

(b)  Ad valorem [accdg to value] -- fixed proportion of the value of property with respect to which tax is assessed (ex. Real estate tax)

(4)  As to purpose:

(a)  General, fiscal, or revenue -- imposed to raise revenue for the general purposes of the government (ex. Income tax)

(b)  Special or regulatory -- imposed for special purposes (ex. Custom duties)

(5)  As to scope (or imposing authority):

(a)  National -- tax imposed by the national government

(b)  Municipal or local -- tax imposed by municipal corporations or LGUs

(6)  As to graduation or rate:

(a)  Proportional -- based on fixed percentage of property, receipts or other basis to be taxed (ex. VAT) [flat or uniform tax]

(b)  Progressive -- rate increases as the tax base increases (ex. Income tax)

(c)   Regressive -- rate decreases as the tax base increases [not practiced in the Phils.]
