LTD: Steps in Ordinary Land Proceedings




1.       Survey of the land by the Bureau of Lands or any duly licensed private surveyor

2.       Filing of application for registration by applicant

3.       Setting of date for initial hearing of the application by the Court

4.       Transmittal of application  and the date of initial hearing together with all the documents and other evidences attached thereto by the Clerk of Court to the Land Registration Authority

5.       Publication of the notice of the filing of the application and date and place of the hearing in the Official Gazette and in a newspaper of general circulation

6.       Service by MAILING OF NOTICE upon contiguous owners, occupants, and those known to have interest in the property AND POSTING by the sheriff of the notice in a conspicuous place on the land and in the bulletin board of the municipal building where the land is situated

7.       Filing of answer to the application by any person whether named in the notice or not

8.       Hearing of the case by the Court

9.       Promulgation of judgment by the Court

10.   Issuance of an ORDER FOR THE ISSUANCE of a decree declaring the decision final and instructing the LRA to issue the decree of confirmation and registration

11.   Entry of the decree of registration in the LRA

12.   Sending of copy of the decree of registration to the corresponding Register of Deeds

13.   . Transcription of the decree of registration in the registration book and the issuance of the owner’s duplicate original certificate of title to the applicant by the RD, upon payment of prescribed fees
